Sheep Shearing

Like cows used for their milk in the dairy industry, farmed sheep have been genetically modified (force bred) to grow fuller and thicker coats that don’t shed in order to produce more profit for farmers. As a result of this, they must be regularly sheared of their coat or they will have greatly decreased mobility and can suffer and die from overheating and infestation.

Prior to domestication (having their freedom and survival skills stripped from them) sheep were able to naturally shed their coats in the spring like their free-living relatives and most nonhuman animals do.

Like dairy farmers convincing us that they need to milk the cows or they will suffer, sheep farmers want us to believe they are helping the sheep by shearing them and selling their wool, or they would die. But the truth is that they are not helping the animals. They have created the situation that perpetuates a cycle of exploitation and justify it by saying that they will suffer and die without human interference.


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