Published Work
My photos are shared by many organizations and published in several media outlets including Huffpost, The Humane League, Toronto Star, One Green Planet, Free From Harm, Animal Justice, and are also featured regularly by PeTA and Animal Save Movement.
I am photo contributor to We Animals Media, a growing network of award-winning photographers and videographers throughout the world, capturing images from a broad and diverse spectrum of animal industries. Together, they have created the world’s most comprehensive collection of animal photojournalism. This globally accessible resource is made available for free to anyone working to inspire compassion, conversation and change.
365 Art+ Japan
Three of my photos were selected to be featured in December 2024 edition of 365 Art+ Japan magazine, with heartfelt gratitude to Rothschild Fine Art and Animal Freedom Organization for inviting me to contribute to this special edition, which celebrates artists who are spreading compassionate messages through brush strokes, written words, and the camera lens.
Photography has the power to touch hearts and minds, planting seeds of empathy and encouraging viewers to see from a new perspective, challenging societal norms. I am deeply honoured to represent the nonhuman animals who so urgently need we human animals to rethink and change our ways.
Three of my photos were published in We Animals Media’s newest book, Hidden: Animals in the Anthropocene - an unflinching book of photography documenting our relationship with non-human animals in the 21st century, as depicted through the lenses of 40 award-winning photojournalists with forward by Academy Award winning actor and animal rights activist, Joaquin Phoenix. Hidden won best photography book of the year by Pictures of the Year International (POYi) - one of the oldest and most prestigious photojournalism programs and competitions in the world and The Prix de la Photographie Paris Awards for 2022.
We Animals Media’s HIDDEN exhibit, Davis Gallery, Denver.